Healthy Thoughts by Dr. Helena

Get Busy Living or Get Busy Dying

Posted: September 20, 2019
By: Dr. Helena

People are driven to our office for different reasons.  However, one thing remains the same: they are asking for help and they have hope their life is about to change.  And change it will if they dedicate themselves to a healthy lifestyle. At the end of the initial stage of care, we perform another examination so we can compare how far you have come in a relatively short period of time.  At this point, everyone has choices.  Some people are only interested in being pain free and stop care until they hurt again.  Some people are interested in getting their body to heal at a deeper level and want to continue care. 

Short term care = Short term results.

Long term care = Long term results.

Most of the time, pain is just a symptom telling you that your body doesn’t like what you are doing and that it is time you change something.  Some people judge their health on pain.  They believe that if they don’t have pain, they are fine.  In truth, whether you feel good or not, if you aren’t working on your health potential, then you are quite possibly degenerating, or progressing backwards.

I was looking at pictures the other day.  On one vacation, I noticed my arms had muscles lines.  I can go back in my workout journal and see that I was exercising consistently at that time.  In a later picture, I noticed I didn’t have visible muscle lines at all.  I had stopped exercising and it didn’t take long to lose the gains I had made, visible in my picture history.  I was no longer doing the work it takes to keep seeing the benefits of exercise.  And yet with Chiropractic we can have the silly thought that you will maintain benefits from your short 12 weeks of initial care without continued work. . .

The body is impacted by chemical, physical, and emotional stress EVERY day. It would be silly of me to think that after doing an eight week workout program, I would maintain those gains for the rest of my life by doing nothing. The body just doesn’t work that way.  Andy from the movie Shawshank Redemption said it perfectly: “I guess it comes down to a simple choice, really. Get busy living or get busy dying.” This quote is both emotional and poignant.  You are either working towards health or working towards death.  Only you can determine what direction you want to take.  The choice is always up to you.

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